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This was a group assignment done during my final semester while getting my master's degree. It's a simple browser based game, fully HTML5-hype compatible. That means it's completely implemented in JavaScript/WebGL, based on the lightweight SpiderGL framework.

My part was to figure out how to write such a game. So I dug through SpiderGL code and tried to make sense of the given code examples. After a while it all began to make sense and I rewrote the whole thing to follow the MVC pattern.

Having worked with WebGL I cannot help but think this is the future — no matter if Microsoft tries to crash the party to push their own proprietary stuff. It was never so easy to get into game programming — and we are even talking platform agnostic here. The only drag I see is the language you have to work with. JavaScript might look like freak-C but then it hits your over the head with closures — like loads of closures.

But even with JavaScript being what it is (and let's be honest — C++ itself is one giant hack people have learned to love) the web is getting more important by the minute. I hardly can imagine any technology with more potential right now. If you don't believe me check out what a group of students with little to no prior knowledge of 3D programming can accomplish in just a few weeks: